Ost Legal, in conjunction with the law firms Herbert Smith Freehills, Lakatos, Köves and Partners, and together with the legal department at Rusatom Overseas CJSC, consulted a Rosatom Group company in connection with the conclusion of an EPC-contract for the construction of two generating units at the PAKS II NPP in Hungary.
Negotiations on the contract and the finalization of its terms proceeded according to a very tight timetable for such a massive construction project – roughly five months, made possible thanks to the well-coordinated work of the joint team of attorneys headed by Konstantin Kryazhevskikh and Alexei Tokminov (Rusatom Overseas), Natalia Artamonova (NIAEP – ASE), Vladimir Lipavsky (Managing Partner, Ost Legal), Danila Logofet (Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills).