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Ost Legal consults E.ON Russia (previously – OGK-4) on the legal issues associated with investment projects involving the construction of generating capacities

February 13, 2013 10:13 pm Published by Comments Off on Ost Legal consults E.ON Russia (previously – OGK-4) on the legal issues associated with investment projects involving the construction of generating capacities

Ost Legal is consulting E.ON Russia (previously – OGK-4) on certain legal issues related to the implementation of investment projects... View Article

Ost Legal consults MOESK

January 10, 2013 10:12 pm Published by Comments Off on Ost Legal consults MOESK

Ost Legal participated in open, competitive negotiations – without a preliminary qualifying round – for the right to conclude a... View Article

Статья Владимира Липавского «Типичные подводные камни при заключении долгосрочных договоров на техническое обслуживание турбин»

December 3, 2012 10:10 pm Published by Comments Off on Статья Владимира Липавского «Типичные подводные камни при заключении долгосрочных договоров на техническое обслуживание турбин»

Предлагаем Вашему вниманию статью Владимира Липавского, управляющего партнера Ost Legal «Типичные подводные камни при заключении долгосрочных договоров на техническое обслуживание... View Article