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Ost Legal Sailing
Facts about the firm
What makes us different
About the firm
Facts about the firm
What makes us different
Our team
Ost Legal Sailing
Achievements and ratings
Energy and Natural Resources
Achievements and ratings
Achievements and ratings
Energy and Natural Resources
Dispute resolution
Construction & Building
Energy and Natural Resources
Corporate Law
Commercial and real Estate
International Trade and Investments
The international ranking IFLR1000 2020 once again recommends Ost Legal among the leading consultants in the field of electric power
Achievements and ratings
Chambers Europe 2020 once again notes Ost Legal’s expertise in the field of energy and natural resources
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal – one of just two national law firms recommended by Chambers Europe 2019 in the energy and natural resources category
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal cited once again on the prestigious IFLR1000 ranking
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal project included on IFLR1000’s list of the largest transactions in Europe
Achievements and ratings
The Legal 500 EMEA 2017 once again includes Ost Legal among recommended law firms
Achievements and ratings
The international ranking Chambers Global 2017 once again recommends Vladimir Lipavsky
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal makes its debut in Pravo-300’s arbitration category and is included in its energy and natural resources category
Achievements and ratings
IFLR1000 once again recommends Ost Legal in the field of electric power and infrastructure
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal noted by Chambers in the field of energy and natural resources
Achievements and ratings
The international ranking The Legal 500 recommends Ost Legal in the field of energy and natural resources
Achievements and ratings
The Chambers Global ranking recommends Vladimir Lipavsky in the “Up and Coming” category in the energy field
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal recommended once again by the Pravo-300 ranking in the category of natural resources and energy, as well as commercial real estate and construction
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal recommended by IFLR1000 in the field of energy and infrastructure
Achievements and ratings
Vladimir Lipavsky recommended by the Chambers Europe international ranking
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal named a winner in the Corporate INTL Legal Awards
Achievements and ratings
The Russian ranking Pravo-300 recommends Ost Legal in the natural resources and energy category
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal recommends IFLR1000 as one of the leading Russian firms in the field of energy and infrastructure
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal recommends The Legal 500 in the energy and natural resources category
Achievements and ratings
Ost Legal recommended by the leading legal ranking The Legal 500
Achievements and ratings